January 2015
Posted on January 20, 2015
First of all, happy new year everyone!
We’re excited because we’re about to unveil the first box of 2015. A couple things before we get started:
- We had a LOT of new subscribers, so here’s a big welcome if this is your first Mystery Chocolate Box!
- We did something a little different this month by including a somewhat helpful hint for each bar in the letter that’s included inside the box. Mostly for fun. (The degree of helpfulness varies from “pretty helpful” to “downright unhelpful”.) So, we might continue with this in the future. So, let us know what you thought of the “hinty” names in the comments 🙂
Valentine’s Day!
…is next month. January 20th (which is the day we are posting this) is the LAST day that you can order and have your first box arrive in February (otherwise it’ll be March). So, if you want to order as a Valentine’s Day gift, go here 🙂
Now then, housekeeping notes aside, let’s get down to the January chocolate bars….
Bar A
We called this “Highly Prized, Highly Delicious” because this is an award-winning bar (literally!). It won gold at the International Chocolate Awards in 2012…. and it was an editor’s pick on Oprah.com.
So, a lot to live up to…. but how was it? And, more importantly, what was it?
Let’s see….
Dark Chocolate with Lemongrass by Pacari
This is a great bar, although the lemongrass taste is pretty subtle. Definitely fantastic tasting chocolate, and a great bar to keep on hand.
Bar B
We called this “Nuts and Bolts”. Why? Well, there are some nuts in this bar (which you’ll see in a second) and bolts, well, it doesn’t really have anything to do with the other flavor. But, it sounds good.
Dark Chocolate with Cranberries & Hazelnuts by Divine
I absolutely love this bar. The chocolate itself is smooth, dark but not bitter, and the cranberries add a fantastic sweetness that blends perfectly with the chocolate. You can feel the hazelnuts at first, but their taste comes in later.
Anyway, we hope you liked this bar as much as we do. Onto Bar C…
Bar C
We called this bar “Meditation” in the letter. It’s kind of a decent clue. We’re guessing you enjoyed this bar, so now find out what it is…
Milk Chocolate with Lavender by NewTree
This is a calming taste to this bar…almost feels like it could put you to sleep, thanks to the lavender. We love it! Great bar to have after a long day…or just about anytime.
So that’s it for January!
We hope you LOVED this box, especially if it was your first! Please let us know how you enjoyed it, especially if it was your first!
Like always, we have a fantastic box planned for February, and an interesting twist for Valentine’s Day!
faye atha
January 21, 2015 (9:47 pm)
i had sent you an email a few weeks back about canceling this and i have not heard a thing back i hope i do not get billed again thank you faye atha
January 21, 2015 (10:14 pm)
Hi there Faye!
You were not, in fact, billed again. I cancelled your order right after you emailed last month, and sent an email confirmation (http://prntscr.com/5vhfei)
You’re probably commenting because you received a box this month. We sent you one by accident. You were not billed for it.
I apologize for the free chocolate…and the confusion.
I suggest finding someone who loves chocolate and giving it to them. They might enjoy it 🙂
Have a great evening!