Surprises, family gatherings, and cacao.
How a normal family stumbled onto a better way to enjoy fine chocolates.
Hi. I’m Peter. Nice to meet you!
So here’s where this story started. My family is full of chocolate lovers, and naturally, one of the things we really enjoy is eating chocolate together.
Another one of the things we like to do is try new, interesting chocolates. You know when you’re in the grocery store, or maybe even a specialty or craft food store, and see a new kind of chocolate that you just HAVE to try (chocolate with a favorite fruit or nut, perhaps)?
Well… that urge hit us frequently.
So we started actually trying those interesting chocolate bars. We quickly discovered that it’s a lot more fun to try new chocolates together because you get to talk about them, see which ones other people like, and generally have more fun and silliness.
Our chocolate looked something like this
Before long, we were regularly having chocolate tastings together, and having a blast. Here’s how those worked:
Each of us would go out and buy some chocolate bars (whatever we thought looked good), and then the next time we were all together, we brought our chocolate bars, sat around a table, and tried them together.
Not only was it a lot of fun and delicious, it was also a great way to bring the family together. We loved our chocolate tastings.
However, one day, it got even better.
My mother told us, “I’ve got a special chocolate tasting for you guys. Make sure you can come over this weekend. You’re going to love it!”
We weren’t sure what she had in mind. Our chocolate tastings were already a ton of fun…and delicious. How could they get any better?
We all gathered around the table. Small plates were set for us, like normal. Then, she handed each of us an index card and a pencil.
“You guys are going to need these,” she said.
We looked at each other with curiosity on all of our faces. And a little impatience…
“Where’s the chocolate?! We’re ready to dive in!”
So she went into the kitchen, and soon returned with three chocolate bars.
But this time, something was a little different. We couldn’t see what kind of chocolate bars she had brought out because the outer labels had been removed.
Finally, she explained how the special chocolate tasting would work…
“Here’s the twist,” she said. “You guys are going to try each of these chocolates, then see if you can guess what flavors are in each bar. When we’re all done, we’ll see who got the most right.”
So THAT’S what the index card and pencil are for!
Now, we thought it was going to be easy. We have chocolate tastings all the time…why wouldn’t we be able to tell what was in each bar?
A small plate with some “mystery” chocolate pieces on it.
But, it was a lot harder than we expected. When we went through and revealed our guesses, only two of us had a single correct guess. However…
We had a blast!
We enjoyed it so much that we did all our chocolate tastings like that. Whenever we were able to get together, we had a mystery chocolate tasting. (One time was Christmas. We had a fabulous chocolate tasting with even more family members, and they all loved it!)
One day, during a “mystery chocolate” tasting, the lightbulb came on:
We have stumbled onto a better way to enjoy and discover new delicious chocolates! Why not share it with others?
I thought, “If we love doing this so much, I bet other people would too. What if we turned this into a product for other people to enjoy?”
Then another thought occurred…
“You know what? We can actually do this BETTER as a product for other people. My mom doesn’t get to participate because she buys the bars, so she already knows what they are. For other people, all they would have to is open up the box and the whole group of family or friends can enjoy! No one gets left out.”
So that’s just what I did.
I started a company called Mystery Chocolate Box, and our goal is to provide that same experience to people just like you. (Actually, a better experience… you’ll see :)).
Here’s how it works:
- Each month, we send you 3 chocolate bars, plus a guessing card so everyone participating can record their guesses.
- You will have your chocolate tasting (Have a blast! It’s one of the requirements ;)).
- When you’re done, you can submit your guesses online to instantly see what you got right, what you missed, and what those chocolate bars actually were.
Oh, and correct guesses earn points that can be used later for rewards (like free chocolate!).
It’s a ton of delicious fun, and, since you’re a proud chocolate lover, I think you’ll love it.
Actually, I know you’ll love it. And because I think you’ll enjoy it so much, I’d like to give you a coupon for $5 off your first month.
Here’s the coupon code: FIRST5MCB. Copy that down now, then click the button below to start your subscription 🙂
Subscribe To Mystery Chocolate Box
You might be wondering what other people think about Mystery Chocolate Box. Well, here are a couple reviews from popular bloggers:
– Kristen from said…
“The Mystery Chocolate Box tasting was a unique event that I won’t forget. It was great to get my friends together to sample this yummy, high-quality chocolate.”
Erin from Subscription Box Mom said…
“This is a fun box to enjoy as a family!”
Hello Subscription (formerly said…
“I thought this box was super fun and I’m still puzzling over some of the flavors!”
Lindsay from The Gift Insider said…
“Delicious AND charitable! Loving the Mystery Chocolate Box”
And here are some quotes from current members:
Shelley B. said…
“Loved my Mystery Chocolate Box!!! It was soo much fun trying to guess the flavors and the Chocolate was really very good!! Can’t wait until next month!!! :)”
Nancy T. said…
“Delicious… a gift from a sweet, nutty, fruity son and daughter for my birthday! I will look forward to the next delivery, and be glad to share with everyone”
You might have some questions, so in anticipation I answered some frequent ones below.
Q: What kinds of chocolate are included?
A: As I’ve said earlier, we send out 3 chocolate bars. We try to provide a mix of dark and milk chocolate (with the occasional white chocolate bar sneaking in) so it’s great for everyone.
Q: Is there anyway to see the chocolate bars in previous boxes that have been sent out?
A: There sure is! Check out our past box reveals.
Q: Can you cancel at any time?
A: Of course!
Q: What if I have allergies?
We include an allergy information card in each box that contains the allergy information from the label of each bar. If you have known food allergies that normally conflict with chocolate (nuts, gluten, etc), we advise to you to not purchase Mystery Chocolate Box unless you are certain that you will not have any adverse reactions.
Q: When do the boxes ship out?
We ship the boxes out the first Monday or Tuesday of the month.
Do you have a question that wasn’t answered here? Try our full FAQ here (at the bottom of the page) or contact us.
Three bars that we included one month.
What about buying it as a gift?
If you’ve been thinking that Mystery Chocolate Box would be a fantastic gift…
You’re absolutely correct!
If you know of any special someone who loves chocolate (there’s a very high probability that this is true), then a gift subscription to Mystery Chocolate Box would make their day. Well, it would make more than their day, because in fact, because they’ll receive multiple deliveries from us.
So if you’re interested in ordering a gift subscription for someone, click here.
Our gift subscriptions are just like our regular subscriptions except (1) you can add a gift card and (2) the subscription does NOT recur (this means if you order a 3 month subscription, their subscription will end automatically after 3 months).
Of course, if you want to send a regular recurring subscription as a gift, you can do that. A never ending supply of chocolate always scores big points.
One other thing…
Oh, there’s one other thing I forgot to mention. For every box we send out, we also donate 2 meals to charity (one meal to the United States and one internationally). It’s our way of helping to fight hunger while delivering tasty chocolate bars at the same time 🙂 You can learn more about our meal donations here.
Subscribe To Mystery Chocolate Box
(Don’t forget your coupon code for $5 off your first month: FIRST5MCB)