December 2014 Box Is Here!
Posted on December 22, 2014
Welcome to the last box of 2014!
We wanted to finish the year out strong, so we put together a delicious box with holiday themed bars.
Now that you’ve tasted them, let’s see what they were!
Bar A
There actually isn’t a whole lot to say about this bar before tasting it. So, let’s just see what it was….
Dark Chocolate with Peppermint by Madecasse
Although the wrapper says this bar has a touch of nutmeg, we didn’t really taste it — it’s very faint. Overall, this is a delicious bar, although our one critique is that the peppermint could be slightly stronger.
Bar B
This bar is one of our winter favorites, and we wanted to introduce it to you so you can enjoy it as well.
From the moment you open up this bar, the warm, curiously familiar holiday spices let you know that amazing chocolate is only a quick bite away. And, once you take a bite, you’ll want to take another…
Gingerbread Spice Milk Chocolate by Theo Chocolate
Another great chocolate from Theo, this bar is only available during the holiday season, so you can’t get it all year. Enjoy it now while you can!
Bar C
We love the creamy, milky texture of the chocolate in this bar — it’s delicious! There’s something curiously crunchy inside, although by the time your scrumptiousness glands pipe down to investigate the crunch, you’ve finished it.
There’s also a hint of something slightly salty, and it lingers slightly along with the crunchy bits after the milk chocolate has happily melted in your mouth.
Hot Buttered Rum Milk Chocolate Bar by Seattle Chocolates
So, while the wrapper describes this as a fantastically complicated “Hot Buttered Rum Milk Chocolate Truffle Bar With Toffee Bits”, as best we can tell this bar consists of only (1) milk chocolate and (2) toffee bits. Or, as we like to call it, “bits o’ toffee”.
That being said, we still find this bar to be absolutely delicious, despite the slight confusion over what it actually is. Definitely worth adding to your chocolate repertoire!
That is all for the 2014 Mystery Chocolate Boxes
Thanks for enjoying this box! Post your thoughts on these bars, we’d love to hear them!
And, stay tuned because we’ll be making our special donation announcement VERY soon.
Finally, we’d like to extend an ENORMOUS HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you and your family! Let’s hope the jolly old elf who comes down your chimney has better moves than this…
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